Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Grandest Grand Finale

Thanks, China. Who knew, back in the 7th century, that the Chinese would invent something that my family would love every 3rd and 4th of July: fireworks!

When I was a kid, it was the night of the fourth. Mom and dad would pack up their brood of four, add in some popcorn to the mix, and drive down by the river to enjoy - admittedly at a v...e...r...y slow pace - our town's holiday fireworks show., and we about fell asleep between each little kaboom, but it was what we had and we didn't know the difference anyway. And that finale - 3 shots in a row - woo hoo!!

When we moved to the Milwaukee area the 4th's display was on the 3rd and MUCH more of a big deal. We weren't among the diehards who went down to the Lakefront on the 2nd, staking out their camping spots in pyrotechnic anticipation. But we did pack a picnic supper and hoof it on down from a mile-away parking spot to a good watching spot late afternoon of the 3rd. (Weird!) people watching was a great way to while away the hours till show time. Worth the wait though, as that whiz bang grand display, grand finale kept our eyes popping and ears ringing long after the long trek back to the car.

Last night we chose to view a local show from the cool comfort of our car. Traditional reds and blues shimmered and sparkled up the night sky and each festive shot was followed by the query of a tiny voice, "Was that the grand finale?" "No, not yet. Soon." was the answer. Question: "Grand finale?" Answer: "No, not yet. Soon." And again. And again. And then: BOOM! BOOM! FLASH! FLASH! It WAS the grand finale and nobody needed to ask if that was it, not even the tiny voice.

Another grand finale, the grandest of the grands, is coming and there will be no doubt, no question about it when it happens. When Jesus Christ returns to this earth it will be known by everyone on earth. "And then at last, the sign that the Son of Man is coming will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Matthew 24:30 (NLT)

For hundreds of years people have thought the time was near. It appears now that it's near. But the exact time is not given us to know. We just know that it's near. That He's near. And we will not miss it: "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God..." No, ifs, ands or buts. No more "soon." No more questions. And the most fantastic of grand finales ever.

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