Friday, October 12, 2012


I remember the first day I saw them. They were so regal and proud. I ran home (well, not literally—I walked really fast, for me!). I grabbed my camera and headed back down the street to the ponds, hoping those never-before-seen swans would still be swimming around.
They were. I furiously snapped away, until realization dawned. They weren’t swimming. Funny how still the big birds seemed to be, not even making a ripple. They were in the exact same position as when I had first seen them, too. “Oh, brother,” I thought as I mentally gave myself a slap to the noggin. “Those are fake swans!” (Less you find me the most gullible soul you know, I did have occasion to burst another swan-lover’s bubble after she rhapsodized out loud to me about the swans’ glorious presence in our ponds!)
Yup, they were fake. Hard, floating  white swan decoys, positioned in the subdivision’s two retention ponds in order to deter the unwanted, messy hordes of Canada geese from making the ponds and surrounding grassy areas their personal restrooms. Says, which sells the decoys, “Mute swans aggressively protect their young from Canada Geese, making this swan an effective deterrent as part of an overall repellent strategy. Head and neck can be adjusted for a realistic look. This plastic decoy may be free floated, or secured in the water with string or decoy weights. It may also be secured on shore with two steel anchoring stakes (included). Decoy should be moved periodically to increase effectiveness and used with other deterrent methods.” 

And they worked, for a while.  A great number of the geese have now figured out that those fakers are no threat to them. Those swans are no longer protecting anything from anything. They haven’t been moved, their heads and necks left unadjusted. And the one whose elegant neck now points to the pond’s muddy bottom while he shows his perfectly empty, legless bottom to the sky? A useless laughingstock  to any Canadian avian. 

Sometimes I think we Christians can be like those swans in the ponds. We start out “on fire” for the Lord. We read our Bibles, We attend church. We pray. We treat one another with love and respect. We make Jesus a real priority in our lives. We are busy trying to deter the unwanted, messy horde of sin that turns our lives into restrooms. Then we get lazy. We let things slide. We could be the folks mentioned in Revelation 2:4: “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” 

Let’s secure ourselves with the steel anchoring stake of Christ and float free, striving to be effective as real, true believers. Let’s remember “the love (we) had at first.” I don’t want to be an upside down, useless faker. Do you?



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