Those “old people falling down” videos on ABC’s AFV
television series get me giggling every time. Granny misses a step, and
whoosh—there she slides, bump, bump, bumping down on her ample rear, dress
flying up over her head. Bewildered and maybe slightly embarrassed, she is
helped up, none the worse for wear. Always worth a little laugh, that.
Until I’m the granny and it’s my garage step that
gets missed and my, um, ample rear that gets bumped. And bruised (perfectly
lovely colors of bright blue and purple—just take my word on it!). And—I am worse for wear! And nobody’s laughing,
least of all me.
But I am giving thanks, even though I must confess that I have long had a bit of
trouble complying with I Thessalonians 5:18
- “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in
all circumstances.” What, be thankful that I wrenched my bad knee, strained a
thigh muscle and bothered my already chronically sore back when I stumbled
(bumbled?) out the back steps onto the garage floor? When I could barely
shuffle along without wincing and moaning and groaning?
Well, yes. The day this latest incident occurred (oh, and
there have been many!) my husband and I were scheduled to fly, changing planes
in Minneapolis. A long trek was required to go from one gate to the next, but I
ended up being able to negotiate it quite easily. Most of the resultant
stiffness and soreness didn’t show up until the next day, which I was able to
manage since I was home. My “injury” did not prevent me from getting to where I
needed to go, the bruises faded, the muscles healed and the knee returned to
its usual, cranky sort of state. I was thankful!
Author Gretchen Rubin says: “Far too often, it takes a catastrophe to make us appreciate what we
had. For that reason, one of the central aims of my happiness project is to appreciate
what I have, now, while I still have it. I've long been haunted by the words of
the French writer Colette: "What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish
I'd realized it sooner." That quote is why I've been working hard at
finding happiness in the small, ordinary details in life and appreciating the
adventure of everyday existence.“
No, I am not
classifying my step miss-step as a “catastrophe.” But it did remind me that the
ability to walk around my house or stroll around the block—pain-free—is a joy,
a privilege and a blessing and should never be taken for granted. It should be
relished with gratitude. Like Ms. Rubin,
I’m “working hard at...appreciating the adventure of everyday existence,” like taking a walk, and maybe even laughing
at Granny’s AFV-worthy moments.
Psalm 100:4 “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him
and praise his name.”