"Yay God! And Maybe Dad Needs a Fanny Pack!"
A woman had 10 silver coins. Maybe it was her dowry, maybe it was her family’s life savings. When she realized she had lost one of the valuable coins she turned the house upside down, sweeping and looking under ever pillow and doily until she found it. And when she did, she called all her friends and neighbors together and joyfully said to them, “Rejoice with me! I have found my coin! “
A man had 100 sheep and one wandered off. He left the 99 and searched high and low until he located the poor lost lamb. He put it on his shoulders and with lighthearted steps made his way back home. He proclaimed to all his friends and neighbors: “Rejoice with me! I have found my lost sheep!”
Another man had a habit of misplacing his wallet. And his organizer book. He would accidentally leave one of them in a restaurant or someplace where he was absolutely sure it wasn’t. Today was one of those days. He and his wife searched the house, on shelves high and low, behind tables, under the couch. He was positive he didn’t leave it at the restaurant where they’d had breakfast, but regardless, they couldn’t check because it was a breakfast/lunch kind of place and by the time he realized the wallet was missing it was the dinner hour and the restaurant was closed. They went to the parking lot and looked, just in case.
The man was “positive” the wallet must be in his daughter’s backyard where he’d been playing fetch with the dog, and that it had somehow fallen out of his pocket. His daughter checked and no, it was not there (the possibility was considered that the wallet might have, indeed fallen out, become a chew-toy and was therefore now in myriad tiny pieces throughout the grass, but no evidence existed to prove that theory).
The man thought perhaps the wallet had popped out of his pocket onto the ground out by the riverside fishing spot, where he and his wife had earlier been looking for driftwood, so they trekked back on out there and searched. Nope, no sir-ee, no wallet. Another possibility: perhaps some kind, honest soul had found it and turned it in? Or might still yet turn it in? Off to the police station to file a missing wallet report. And the wallet was still missing.
Amazing how much praying one does when something important is lost. How much pleading. And even begging. A lost wallet can turn one’s life upside down, and inside out. A lost wallet means cancelling credit cards. Getting a new driver’s license. Missing cash. And worst of all in this day and age –it could mean identity theft. And the husband prayed. And the wife prayed. And the wife called the daughter to request prayer. And the wife called the other two daughters to ask for prayer, not only for the return of the wallet but for peace of mind for the man.
After all the searching hither and yon, the man and his wife returned home once more to look in all the previously looked-in, looked-at places. Maybe, just maybe the wallet would “appear” out of a hat, like a magician’s rabbit.
It was through no magician’s “sorcery,” but the wife did, indeed, find the wallet, in a spot the man had never before put it. And if that particular spot had been checked already, she couldn’t say. But what she can say is that what was lost was found. Anxiety was replaced with relief. And joy. And they are calling all their family and friends together to say, “Rejoice with me! What was lost is found!” Praise God. He cares unbelievably much about lost things. And a daughter said, "Yay, God! (Maybe Dad needs a fanny pack!!)"
“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:7