I will lose 10 pounds this year.
Beginning January 1, I will limit my TV watching to 1 hour per day.
At the stroke of midnight of the New Year I will stop being a couch potato and start being an exercise machine.
Sound familiar? Many of us make similar New Year’s resolutions each and every year. The problem comes in attempting to keep them—for at least a week, anyway. An unknown quipster knows whereof we speak: “A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”
While it’s always good for us to take stock of our lives over the past year and attempt to make improvements in the new, the reality is that we humans “look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits” (anonymous).
It seems that the tradition of New Year’s resolutions began around 153 B.C. with Janus, a two-headed mythical god from early Roman times. One of Janus’ heads faced forward to the future and the other looked back on the past. He became a symbol of resolutions, many of which were “to be good to one another.“ Gifts were exchanged and many Romans looked to their enemies for forgiveness at this time. Our month of January was named for Janus.
As I contemplated the beginning of 2013 and the folly of most of my past resolutions, I wondered how many “I wills” were in the Bible and whether or not I could start with those instead of making up my own, on my own.
It turns out there are many instances in Scripture where God says “I will.” We know those are really, truly “I wills.” No doubt about that. But how about the “I wills” of mere mortals like me? A number of those can be found, too—especially in the Psalms:
●”I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness; I will sing praises of the name of the Lord Most High.” (Psalm 7:17)What beautiful melodies we would make together, beginning 2013 lifting our hearts and lips in praise and thanksgiving to our Creator.
●”I will watch my ways...I will put a muzzle on my mouth…” (from Psalm 39:1-2) Whoa! Now that’s a mouthful in itself! But wouldn’t my world be a better place if I vowed, as King David did, to keep these words? You know the answer.
●”I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise you.” (Psalm 22:22) This is a troubled world and people need to know about Someone Who can help. How will they hear if we who know don’t spread what we know?
With Gods help, in 2013, I will. Will you?